About the art/products

So, I make stuff!

Everything I make is designed and  handcrafted by me unless clearly stated otherwise.
Some items are made totally from scratch, some from readily available materials or upcycled second hand items and/or materials.

To bring some more light as to how some of the items are made I thought I'd share info on some of the methods

PU-leather accessories

The majority of my chokers, garters and hair clips are made from base materials I create myself by cutting, folding and glueing straps and ribbons myself instead on relying on readily available products.
Layered items and charms on hairclips and garters are handstitched in place with extra strong thread for increased durability rather than just hotglued in place as is the case with lots of mass produced items of similar type.
For chokers with heavy materials I use chicago screws (screw rivets) togethetr with or instead of regular ones.

Rust dyeing

Rust dyed items are hand dyed in a plastic tub in my backyard using sheet metal, vintage iron items, iron powder and rust activator for the corrosion process. The fabric is placed in between the rusty items and left for a few days, when I'm happy with the look they go in a fix bath and then into the washing machine.
The end result is clean, safe to wear and can be washed as any other piece of clothing.

Resin casting

I color and cast all of the resin keyring charms, jewellry and decor items myself.
Some are made with generic molds as a lot of other resin crafters but the creative part of coloring and details are all me.
If I use molds bought from other artist that is always stated in the item description.

The different items I sell vary a lot in pricing and here you can read about some parts of the processes that goes into my resin crafts and why some of them takes so much longer to make.
A lot of the items have to be cast in layers, fx when using different colors that you don't want all blended into one or just larger pieces in general. 

For some items I fill in the linework by hand after demolding - either with resin or acrylics and often more than one layer.

I'm very excited about hidden messages and features in items and for that reason a lot of my resin work includes either Fluorescent pigments (UV-reactive), Noctulescent pigments (glow in the dark) or both which creates three very different looks depending on the lighting.

Some of the items are domed - doming is a surface coating/finishing technique where you pour a layer of clear resin over your piece to create a shiny clearcoat with rounded (domed) edges created by the surface tension. 

Neurodivergent QOL and survival items

As somewhat of an adult I am very passionate about this topic and want to be part of the push for de-stigmatizing stimming and other non neurotypical behaviour and habits. 

A lot of the stimming aids marketed towards adults today are very boring in my opinion. They are bland in color and discrete in a very obvious attempt to hide the purpose of the item. 
Though I understand how many neurodivergent adults might want discrete stimming tools I know there are lots of us that want fun, colorful ones that purvey our personal style.

Like for me personally, I would like for neurodivergent kids to see me with my chewing necklace and immediately know what it is and know they have an ally nearby.
Also for them to see that
A - you don't have to be ashamed about stimming and
B - you can dress and express your style however makes you happy as an adult as well :)

Postapocalyptic armour and clothing

Will add more info here but I'm tired and my brain feels like cotton now.